Practicing Prevention For A Deliciously Healthy Decade

Episode 2 is here!

Show Description:

It’s time for a fresh start! Will 2020 be the year that you embrace new healthy rituals and opt-out of getting sick from poor unhealthy habits? Tune in to this jam-packed episode full of studies, factoids, inspiration, along with The EmPOWERment Couple’s top ten prevention recommendations to keep you healthy no matter what! This show will lead you to understand that by incorporating a healthy lifestyle you won’t have to depend on the “sick-care” industry to help you regain your health. The goal of this episode is to empower you to take back your health and deliberately practice preventative habits that will ensure your healthiest most beautiful life.

Show Blog:

Did you know that 100 million people in a national poll said yes to the following question; “Do you feel unsatisfied with life?” That is 30% of our population that said they are unsatisfied with their own life. So this poses the question, why aren’t health practitioners asking their patients on the intake forms one simple question after name, date, and birth? “Are you happy?” And a follow-up question, if you answered “no”, should be; “why are you choosing to be unhappy?” 

There is an 80-year study from Harvard with surprising findings that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships have a powerful influence on our health,” said Robert Waldinger, director of the study, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation.”

Zuri went to the hospital recently and during those visits, it made three things very apparent to her:

  1. The U.S. needs to improve its health care system so it’s not just “sick care” but actual health care which includes prevention education and options. 
  2. During my recent experience, they checked my physical vitals but not my emotional or mental health vitals. Why is “health care” pretending that our emotional state and mental state don’t play a dominant role in our health?
  3. Nutrition and lifestyle for preventative purposes were never discussed. Why is the “health care” industry not inquiring about lifestyle choices with its patients?

Once I was home, I reviewed my new patient portal. On the website you’ll see there is a prevention section but when I clicked it, a screen opened and suggested vaccinations and a pap smear. View the screengrab of the “prevention” section.

This experience led us to record this podcast. The show and this blog will lead you to understand that by incorporating a healthy lifestyle you won’t have to depend on the “sick-care” industry to help you regain your health. The goal is to empower you to take back your health and deliberately practice preventative habits that will ensure your healthiest most beautiful life. The principle of prevention as it pertains to staying healthy is it’s easier to stay healthy than it is to GET healthy once you’re sick.

The definition of prevention is the action of stopping something from happening or arising.

Let’s review the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. according to the CDC

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer (Lung and bronchus cancer)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
  4. Accidents- most notably they consider drug overdoses as an accident
  5. Stroke
  6. Alzheimer’s disease
  7. Diabetes
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease
  10. Suicide- Mental Health/Depression

Please note that with pneumonia and flu a lot of the certificates of death come about when for example an elderly person has a stroke and is in the hospital. During that time, that patient may develop pneumonia from being in a static position or from a flu virus that another patient or healthcare worker passes to the stroke patient. The stroke patient clearly has an underlying issue but the cause of death will still say it’s because of the flu. This paints a very different picture of the cause of death for those arguing for vaccinations. To be clear, our stance is not anti-vaccination or pro-vaccination. We are pro-health and pro-information and we care about sharing the truth and helping everyone sort through the data that’s being presented by the CDC. The CDC does state the above but it’s not made clear when media reports these numbers.

We point to the top ten causes of death out in our episode because all of these aside from accidents are preventable and yet the focus in this country tends to be about drugs for once you have an ailment. This is because the U.S. is one of two countries that allows direct to consumer advertising from pharmaceutical companies which means they are diagnosing you via the television or media you’re seeing it on. They pose a question: “If you’re not getting a full night’s sleep with Ambien”  “Try Lunesta to help you sleep through the night.” The ad is not coming from a doctor but from a drug company. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), there has been a drastic increase in DTC prescription drug marketing budgets, jumping from $1.3 billion in 1997 (when it became legal) to more than $6 billion in 2016; that is a 361% increase. They run these ads simply because they work. Consumers see the ad, self diagnose based upon the drug ad, and then ask their doctor for the drug. A 2008 House Commerce Committee found that for every $1,000 spent on prescription drug ads, 24 new patients were added for the pharma industry. Additionally, a 2003 research report found that rates for prescription drugs with ads were almost seven times greater than for those without ads.

Imagine if we as preventative health advocates had a billion-dollar budget to promote the top 10 ways we suggest people avoid dis-ease. You see this same pattern play out over and over again. For example, you’ll see people promoting awareness with pink ribbons or walking for a cure but why isn’t there a focus on breast cancer prevention? Hint: There’s no money to be made in keeping people healthy. Using cheap chemicals and selling them as self-care products make companies a lot of money. And lastly, sick care is a profitable business model.

I had to dig to find some things from gov agency- CDC who suggests these 8 things for prevention:

  • Quit Smoking
  • Eat Healthy
  • Get Regular Physical Activity
  • Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol
  • Get Screened
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Know Your Family History
  • Make Healthy Choices in School, at Work, and in the Community

Thanks, CDC, but those suggestions are pretty generic and confusing. I mean just the second one, “eat healthy” leaves a person diving into the latest diet craze or worse using the latest iteration of the food pyramid. In Eastern Medicine, prevention is a regular practice. The Benjamin Franklin axiom that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the quote in relation to protecting oneself from a fire. Here at I Am Zuri, we full-heartedly agree with practicing prevention and we co-created a lifestyle that follows this by incorporating simply daily habits. 


Our Top Ten List of Prevention Habits

  • Prevention Habit #1 Eat Good Food & Supplement Your Self Care

So, unlike the CDC we are here to help you understand what eating healthy actually means. The basics are to eat what nature has provided first. You’ll want to also reduce the consumption of processed foods. Why? Because 80% of the food we are consuming today in the U.S. didn’t even exist 100 years ago. The food I’m referring to is actually synthetically processed GMO foods. The reason there are so many foreign ingredients in our food is that over 70% of processed foods contain GMO ingredients. GMOs are genetically engineered ingredients that were created in a lab to withstand pesticides or to contain pesticides. The very few independent studies not performed by the chemical industry, show cause for concern. These concerns come in the form of various cancers. In fact, about 80% of GMOs are reliant on the use of Roundup which the WHO classified as a probable carcinogen, and at the time of this recording had over 50K lawsuits that claim roundup cause the plaintiffs cancer. In the first three cases so far jurors found Monsanto, maker of Roundup unanimously guilty. Learn more about glyphosate here.

Some complain that good food is just too expensive but what are the hidden costs of eating cheap food? We explore that issue here with organic farmer Will Allen.

Because of these startling food facts, we came up with 10 preventative solutions for you. Simply click the link to the number you’d like to explore.

  1. Grow Your Own Organic Food
  2. 10 Tips For Eating Organic On A Budget
  3. How To Avoid GMO Foods
  4. The Difference Between Non-GMO and Organic Food
  5. Eat To Boost Immunity
  6. Cooking With Fresh Local Ingredients
  7. Stock Your Pantry With Organic The Inexpensive Way With Thrive Market
  8. Get Your Flu Shot From Your Own Kitchen
  9. Friend A Farmer: Invest In A CSA Today
  10. Supplement Your Selfcare
  • Prevention Habit #2 Get Good Sleep

We spend one-third of our lives asleep. Why not make sure that sleep is amazing? If you want to feel well, you have to sleep well!

Here are some other helpful sleep-regulating tips:

  • Your body has a natural time-keeping clock known as your circadian rhythm. To help this natural rhythm you’ll want to expose yourself to morning light and reduce blue light at night.
  • Blue light tricks the body into thinking it’s time to be awake. We like to use glasses that block the blue light from our devices.
  • Reduce caffeine and cut it off 8 hours before bed because it can stay in your body that long
  • Reduce naps so you create an expected sleep time for your body clock.
  • Create a sleep schedule so you rise and sleep the same time daily. You may want to look into your chronotype to find out what you’re naturally drawn to do when you sleep.
  • Get your hormone levels checked. Melatonin is a key sleep hormone that tells your brain when to sleep and when to wake up.
  • Avoid regular alcohol consumption because drinks at night can negatively affect your sleep and hormones.
  • Avoid late-night snacking because your body then has to digest that food and typically the foods we crave when we’re sleepy are high in carbohydrates and hard to digest.
  • Make your bedroom an optimal sleep cave with blackout curtains, an organic mattress, and bedding.
  • Clean your bedroom and bedding regularly. Nearly 100,000 dust mites can live in one-square-yard of carpet and up to 10 percent of the weight of a 2-year-old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings.
  • Turn off all wifi and all devices. You don’t want any lights on except for maybe one Himalayan salt lamp in the nearby bathroom.
  • We like to use sleep sounds to block out any outside noises and to train our bodies when they hear that sound to rest comfortably. (link to app)

Create a nighttime ritual with all of these below things or test out what works best for you.

  • Prevention Habit #3 Drink clean Water

Our bodies are made up of 60% water so it’s key to make sure you’re drinking good water daily. We need to drink half our body weight in water per day and more if we are drinking caffeine and alcohol because they are diuretics. Sleeping is a very dehydrating act, so the first thing to do every morning is start the day with 16-32 ounces of water. I like warm lemon water with cayenne. Here is a good recipe and why this is my morning go-to on a daily basis. To activate water you can put it on the windowsill, add lemon, charge it with a crystal, or add a pinch of Himalayan salt. Why Himalayan salt? Learn more about the ten health benefits of Himalayan salt here.

When we were researching water quality we found that 21 million Americans drink water that violates U.S. health standards. In almost 20 years, the EPA has not added any new contaminants to the toxic chemicals covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act.  So what should you drink? We don’t recommend bottled water, because plastic leaches into the water with harmful chemicals plus adds to the plastic crisis because only 30% gets recycled. We recommend using a stainless steel, or glass reusable bottle instead. If we are traveling in the U.S. we will buy glass bottled water from Mountain Valley Spring Water  You can filter your water with activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange or purchase large glass bottled spring water from certain companies. Our filter of choice for your home is the Berkey because it removes over 200 dangerous contaminants. We are not affiliated with either brand we recommended but we want you to have healthy drinking water and resources.

  • Prevention Habit #4 Take a Deep Breath

Breathing makes the body alkaline!

So pause for a second and let your body take a deep breath. Most of us shallow breathe on a regular basis and don’t take the time to focus on our breath. You’ll notice if you are stressed sometimes we’ll audibly groan or yawn which is how our body forces a deep breath to calm us down. Deep breathing decreases stress and relieves pain. Focused breath also stimulates the lymphatic system by detoxifying the body.

Breathing also improves immunity!

This is such an important part of this prevention discussion. A team of medical researchers from the Netherlands have a study that seems to suggest that, with the right training, volunteers could be taught to actually control their body’s sympathetic nervous system—the part that controls the fight-or-flight response—along with their immune response. In addition, breathing lowers blood pressure, improves digestion, and supports correct posture. You’ll notice that when you focus your breathing you’ll increase your energy.

What’s the air quality like in your home?

But, the thing about breathing is you have to breathe, fresh, clean air. The important component of good healthy deep breaths and oxygen is making sure you’re breathing in clean air. We recently polled our audience and most don’t know if their indoor air quality is good or bad. Looking at data we expect it’s likely very bad unless they are using an air purification system. Indoor air quality is the new tobacco and to keep our indoor air clean of harmful air particles, viruses, mold spores, remove trapped pollutants, and support a healthy immune system you need an air purifier. Everyone needs one, and we explain the science of why right here. Our partner for air purification systems is Intellipure. Because it is the most effective air cleaner on the market. Intellipure machines are the only air cleaners on the market that address all 3 pollutant categories. Their patented Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) technology uses a high-energy grid, which prevents anything from being able to live or grow inside the filter. You can get 10% from my partner using code Zuri using this link

You can also be more deliberate about how you breathe. As a yoga and meditation coach, Mikey teaches his students several breathing techniques, one of which, called box breathing. You can listen to one Mike’s guided meditations called the Body Scan Meditation, where he starts out with guided box breathing.

The mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind.  -Hatha Yoga Pradipika

  • Prevention Habit #5 Clean Up Your Personal Care

Your skin is your largest organ and so it’s safe to say you are what you put on your body just as much as you are what you put in your body. It is estimated that women use an average of 12 personal care products per day while men use an average of 6. Those of us that like to use products as part of our self-care routine know this number is likely double for us. When we look at the combination of using these chemicals of concern we see that many of them are cancer-causing, endocrine disruptors, and come with a slew of side effects.

The scary part of this realization is that the top chemicals of concern in the cosmetic aisle are also the ones that are being used the most. For instance, let’s look at parabens. Does that ingredient ring a bell? You’ll find it on the back of many lotions, shampoos, scrubs, and cosmetics like lipstick. This ingredient is a preservative that prevents bacterial growth and companies use it to lengthen the shelf life of a product. The most common are butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben. The problem with parabens is that they are xenoestrogens―agents that mimic estrogen in the body. Endocrine disruptors and specifically “estrogen disruption” has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. What’s more, is that parabens are often found in breast tumors. This is incredibly frustrating when you see pink labels on products that are actually causing cancer. Learn more about pinkwashing with pink ribbons here.

The laws governing this 70 billion dollar industry haven’t been changed since the great depression.

To be exact it was 1938 when the laws that regulate our self-care products were enacted. There is nobody regulating endocrine disruptors and carcinogens that you put on your body. This is why I refer to the cosmetic aisle as the cause-metic section of the store. There are tons of healthy personal care products in the marketplace though and you can use this guide to help you.

  • Prevention Habit #6 Manage your Mental and Emotional Health

Managing your mental and emotional health is key to preventing diseases. The best to start is to understand how you feel is emotional and how you think is mental. To take it one step further, mental health is how well your mind processes and understands information and experiences. In contrast, emotional health involves your ability to manage and express the emotions that arise from what you have learned and experienced

Healthy mind suggestions:

  • The key to a healthy mind is meditation versus medication. As Mikey suggests a good question to ask yourself, “Is your first response to medicate or meditate?”
  • Understanding that thoughts become things and that if you feel you’re drifting into negative thoughts you can simply switch to positive by changing your physical state. Your physical state plays a major role in how your body processes emotions.
  • Feed your mind with healthy programming. From podcasts, to audible, YouTube, Netflix, Gaia tv, there is literally no shortage of good content to consume. You have to weed through the bad programming but make sure you’re picking things that stimulate your brain and make you feel good. Junk TV will make you eat junk and feel like junk. Avoid it all costs!
  • We suggest using mantras to reprogram your brain into thinking positive or when you’re faced with a tough challenge. Here are a few mantras we use consistently.

    Emotional, Also Known As Heart Healing Suggestions:

  • Journaling once a day without form, just do a mind dump.
  • Exercise your creative expression with activities like poetry, songwriting, crafting, decorating, painting, arts, or writing. As creatives, we have a lot of content that can inspire and support your healthy creative mind.
  • Some of our readers and clients find therapy and group support to be incredibly helpful.
  • One of our favorite techniques is called EFT or emotional freedom technique or tapping. You can learn more about tapping here.  We have the Tapping app on our iPhone and highly recommend it. It’s a free resource that we are not affiliated with.
  • Heart and Mind Union: What happens when what you think and how you feel are out of alignment and what happens when they are in alignment? We like to use the analogy of pushing the brake and the gas pedal at the same time. The reason you use one foot when navigating the pedals of your vehicle is so you don’t burn out your motor. The analogy shows that the same is true for you. You can’t push the gas and the brakes at the same time or you’ll burn out your own body. The other issue is that you will be creating a lot of wear and tear on your body while wasting fuel and getting nowhere fast.
  • We recommend practicing gratitude by simply writing down five things you’re grateful every morning. We also practice gratitude by counting our blessings before falling asleep.
  • In the same way, you can practice happiness. We don’t need an excuse to be happy. What you give is what you receive. It’s the equivalent of standing in front of a mirror if you frown, what you receive from the mirror is a frown. You’ll never get a smile unless you show that mirror a smile. So practicing being happy will create more happiness in your life.
  • Laughter is the cheapest form of therapy and actually has been found to be nature’s medicine. Science has shown that humor actually reduces high blood pressure, acute and chronic pain, stress and raises your self-esteem, which is a by-product of homeostasis, which affects your entire body. We have a full podcast episode on laughter medicine that you can listen to and learn more here.

  • Prevention Habit #7 Daily Exercise & Lymphasize

Stress triggers a particular biological response. When you perceive a threat or a major challenge, chemicals and hormones surge throughout your body.

Preventative stress-reducing therapies:

  • Get into nature because negative ions enhance immune function. They are abundant in nature, especially around waterfalls, at the beach, in forests, or mountains. So forest bathing, sitting by waterfalls, beach walks and hiking in the mountains. It’s ideal if you do some of this barefoot to get the benefits of grounding.
  • Grounding or earthing is simply getting barefoot on the earth, negative ions from the surface make their way into our bodies and release the free radicals we’ve been accumulating. These free radicals have been linked to premature aging, inflammation, and disease.
  • Hugging releases oxytocin in the brain, and dopamine in the brain, which is known as the pleasure hormone. A study of 404 healthy adults conducted in 2014 by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that frequent hugs reduced people’s susceptibility to stress.
  • Are you having fun? Just like a person has a to-do list, you need a fun list! Simply write down the things you love doing and take time in between your day to do them.
  • Touch or hands-on therapy like massage, private adjustment yoga, cranial-sacral, facials, gua sha, qi gong, chiropractic care, acupuncture, or acupressure.
  • Pampered care is also easier to come by now that the wellness industry is expanding. If you have a budget for a spa day, here are some therapies we enjoy: mineral baths, salt rooms, hot springs, cryotherapy, sauna bathing, or red light therapy can be excellent.

Are you having good sex?

  • Researchers found that men who had sex two times or more each week were less likely to die from a heart attack than men who had sex less often.
  • A study published in the journal Biological Perspective asked participants to take part in a stressful activity, such as giving a speech or taking a complicated math quiz. The participants who had vaginal intercourse before a stressful task had lower levels of stress and lower blood pressures when compared to people who had no sex, those who masturbated, and those who had sexual contact without intercourse.
  • Men aged 50 and over who have frequent sex are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than men their same age who do not have sex often.
  • Prevention Habit #8 De-stress

When it comes to stress it’s important to understand how important movement is. Movement changes your physical state or physiology.  In our modern society, we are doing entirely too much sitting. According to a new study, it’s important to move every thirty minutes. In fact, sitting for long periods of time is an extremely unhealthy practice. People who experience long bouts of uninterrupted sitting and who stay sedentary for much of their waking time — 12.5 hours or more a day — have the highest risk of death from any cause, a new study finds. But, when it comes to physical exercise it turns out the quality is more important than the amount of time you spend working out. Standard guidelines advocate 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week for optimal health, which breaks down to 30 minutes, five days a week. But, a new study shows that several five or 10-minute exercise sessions spread throughout the day can have the same effect on long-term health as a continuous 30-minute workout.

Here are the exercises we recommend:

  • Lymphasizing- Lymphatic drainage can help boost your immune system. Your lymphatic system relies on the effects of gravity in order to keep it running smoothly. Think of tapping the bottom side of a brand new ketchup bottle in order to get it to pour smoothly over your organic French fries. To properly cleanse the lymphatic system, you will want to control the effects of gravity. To lymphasize we suggest rebounding, which is jumping up and down, on a mini-trampoline. Every time you jump and land, you are tapping the ketchup bottle. Learn more about rebounding here.

Listen to our lymphasizing podcast “What Da Fuq Is Lymphasizing”

  • Running, jump roping, hiking and even walking also helps to move lymph around the body.
  • Yoga is an excellent practice to move your lymph!
  • When getting the lymph to move, this is where the term, “runner’s high,” comes from.
  • We invested in what is called a vibe plate which vibrates the body both horizontally and vertically and is highly effective. So much so that NASA uses them so that astronauts can move their lymph while in zero gravity. We purchased it from Bulletproof but we are not affiliated with them.
  • You can also manually drain your lymph by dry brushing
  • Lymphatic massage, gua sha, cold showers, or cold therapy are powerful for moving the lymph as well.
  • We also use an inversion table as it helps your body boost your immune system, retain its beauty, gives you extra energy, and improve your mood.

“Don’t forget to take out the trash, this includes detoxing your body.” -Zuri Star

  • You can add daily detox through supplements or herbs such as dandelion tea, pumpkin seeds to your salad, or chlorella in your spirulina.
  • Sauna bathing is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular diseases.⁣ One Finnish study of 2,315 healthy middle-aged men and women concluded that 4-7 sauna bathing sessions per week were associated with a 66% lower risk of dementia⁣ and a 65% lower risk of Alzheimer’s⁣. Far infrared saunas are also great for detoxing heavy metals too.
  • Cupping is excellent for both detox and lymph drainage- the technique reduces inflammation, muscle tension and can increase and improve circulation, detoxification, and range of movement.
  • Prevention Habit #9 Reduce Environmental Toxins

We recommend that you remove toxic cleaners from your home. You don’t want to use antibacterial, bleach, and ammonia in your home. If you’re wanting to kill or sanitize with an “antibacterial” formula, that product must contain a registered EPA pesticide. Do you really want a pesticide on your hands all day, while you eat food, on your countertops? Pesticides aren’t tested on humans, instead, we are the guinea pigs. This antibacterial craze has led to a mounting problem of antibiotic resistance. Secondly, if you kill all bacteria, you’re killing good bacteria too which plays a role in our microbiome.

Replace Toxic Cleaners With Cleaners That Don’t Harm You

The reason we don’t buy conventional products from the store is that they contain a lot of chemicals that are just unnecessary for cleaning your home. Being too clean can inhibit your immune system from functioning properly. While trying to avoid foreign pathogens, you don’t want to unintentionally minimize the good bacteria in your environment. We don’t recommend using bleach or any type of anti-bacterial products. We use this DIY recipe or Branch Basics in our home. If you’re looking to purchase something because DIY is not your thing, you can get 10% off all starter kits with discount code: “Zuri” using this link.

Keep Your Home Air Clean

Going back to number 4 which was breathing and we emphasized the importance of breathing clean air. According to the WHO, they estimate around 7 million people die every year from exposure to polluted air. Ambient air pollution alone caused some 4.2 million deaths in 2016, while household air pollution from cooking with polluting fuels and technologies caused an estimated 3.8 million deaths in the same period. This is why air purifiers are so important to have in your home, office, or place of business.

We’ve come up with eight science-backed reasons everyone needs an air purifier along with our top pick, Intellipure Air Filter, including the benefits that we’re experiencing after a three-month test. We provided you with a discount link and code (Zuri) making it easier for you to make your home a safe place to sit back relax and take a deep breath!

Remove Your Shoes

In addition, you’ll want to take your shoes off when you enter the house. It’s important to take your shoes off because scientists have found that shoes pick up harmful bacteria like c diff, and E. coli as well as ag chemicals so definitely set up an area to remove your shoes when you enter the house. Basically what scientists found is that the soles of your shoes are dirtier than toilet seats and the bacteria survives on shoes much longer. Gross!

Reduce Household Toxins

  • Reduce plastic containers and instead replace your plastic bags with silicon pouches.
  • Replace all plastic bags for cloth, and produce bags with reusable mesh bags,
  • Replace plastic utensils of any kind with U.S. Stainless steel
  • Replace your Non-stick pans with cast iron, stainless steel, glass or stoneware

As a consumer, we need to remember we are part of nature not against it. As the famous quote from Rachel Carson says, “but man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.”

  • Prevention Habit #10 Monitor your Check Engine Light

Continuing with our car analogies, you have to pay attention to your check engine light. Pay attention to your body’s signs, it will most likely be sending you a check engine light which commonly shows up as headaches, stomach aches, skin issues, or low energy. It’s important to pay attention to the difference between what is normal and what is normalized.

Preventative Testing

  • 9 out of 10 Americans have nutrient deficiencies which equate to 92%. To find out if you’re one of them ask your doctor for a nutrient panel test. Knowing what you are deficient in is helpful to determine what supplements you should take, and more importantly what foods you should and should not eat. You’ll definitely want to work with a dietician, nutritionist, or functional medicine doctor prior to making significant changes to your diet. Western medicine doctors only have 6 hours of required nutrition in their studies. You need someone that understands the biochemistry involved in balancing your nutrient levels.
  • Complete thyroid panel: TSH, T3 Reverse, T3 Total, T3 Free, T4 Free, T4 Total, Thyroid peroxidase antibodies.
  • Complete hormone panel: FSH, LH, Pregnenolone, Estrone, Estradiol, Progesterone, AMHA, Testosterone Free, Testosterone Total, DHEA, SHBG, DHT, Cortisol.
  • Inflammation
  • C-Peptide
  • Leptin
  • Insulin
  • C-reactive protein
  • Gut health – microbiome testing
  • Heavy metals testing
  • Food allergy testing
  • Hormonal levels

Consistent Screening:

  • Teeth cleaning
  • Pap smears
  • Colonoscopy
  • Thermography which checks various heat patterns in the body

The body scan meditation we already talked about can become a part of your regular practice so that you can sense when something is different. If something does feel different either positive or negative.

  1. Eat Good Food
  2. Get Good Sleep
  3. Drink clean Water
  4. Clean Up Your Personal Care
  5. Take a Deep Breath
  6. Manage your Mental and Emotional Health
  7. Daily Exercise & Lymphasize
  8. Reduce Environmental Toxins
  9. De-stress
  10. Monitor your Check Engine Light

These are the ten foundations for our work and we want everyone to be healthy and live their most beautiful life, it’s the reason why we show up to serve you. This was a long podcast episode and blog but we hope this is a resource you can bookmark and reference. Please consider sharing this episode and blog with your friends and family.

Sharing is caring!

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