Serving Up The 12 Universal Laws

Episode 26 is here!

Show Description:

“These be crazy times!” If you recognize that times like this are ripe for opportunity, then all the power belongs to you. In previous episodes, the EmPOWERment Couple covered the art of pivoting, defined what manifesting is, and how resistance steals your joy. The information that we covered wasn’t made up. We studied, followed, applied, and mastered The 12 Universal Laws. And today we share them with you because some laws are meant to be followed and are meant to be manipulated.

To make you a Universal Law abiding citizen, we will cover,

  • An overview of the 12 Universal Laws
  • Which laws you can manipulate to get what you want
  • Which laws assist you in the process of manifesting
  • An invitation to master the art of manifesting

Have you ever desired to turn nothing into something? If so, The  EmPOWERment Couple is about to serve you all of the ingredients you need to make energy, your humble servant. Hold on to your seat because you are about to HOLD THE VIBE.

Join our new Hold The Vibe tribe here and enjoy the show!

Show blog coming soon.

This show was sponsored by our Hold The Vibe course. Join us by simply clicking the image or here.

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