Poem: Daredevil

Poem by The Phoetic I won’t follow you into the dark abyss of tomorrow Neither will I guide you through a spooky wood I ain’t jumping off a cliff with you Or let us cross the street without a [...]

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A Shadow Approaches

A Shadow Approaches A Poem By, The Phoetic I sit, twenty after four The wink of a curser waits with me My attention is drawn… As a shadow approaches. It is long, stretched by the setting [...]

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My Erotic Narcotic

An addiction can cause great loss and pain. That goes for anyone who loves someone who is an addict. Addicts are never quite whole, never happy enough, and are constantly longing for the next [...]

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A Question That I Whisper To You

In the version of love that I subscribe to, we fall in love long before we meet the “ONE.” As a child, whenever I experienced wonder, awe, joy, or those uncontrollable giggles, my emotional heart [...]

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Poem: The Small Spaces

  A Poem by The Phoetic The Small Spaces I discovered her, in between The formidable dawn And the ceremonies of night, Holding on to a bit of what I could, A bit of what I shouldn’t. There [...]

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