Om Medicine: How to Unlock Your Internal Alchemist
Episode 15 is here!
The word, “meditation,” is oftentimes shrouded in mystery. Meditation is thought of as some supernatural-like ability that requires one to seek out a guru and dedicate their whole life to the practice. Well, The EmPOWERment Couple is here to dispel the myths, remove the excuses, and demystify the practice of meditation. We’d like to challenge you to use this mantra, “what I am going through, I will breathe through and get through.”
In this exciting episode we will share and answer:
- What is meditation?
- Why Mike became a meditation coach.
- The scientific studies and benefits of meditation.
- The misconceptions of meditation practices.
- Meditation’s role in personal success.
- The opportunity to heal using meditation.
- And a brief look at brain waves and how we can manipulate them to serve us in meditation.
Our goal in this episode is to remove the excuses commonly used to avoid meditating. We want to empower you with the facts and science that will inspire you to make meditation a must, rather than just a maybe.
This is a two-part show and part two will be released next week.
Episode 16 is here!
If you want to master your internal alchemy you need to start with mindfulness and develop a meditation practice. Make meditation a MUST rather than a MAYBE. In part one, we shared an eye-opening study about meditation helping those that suffered from depression. The EmPOWERment Couple believes that suffering is for suckers. Our aim is to empower you with tools, habits, and a lifestyle that inspires you to create your most beautiful life.
In this episode, we will cover the different types of meditation and invite you into the one that works best for you.
- Types of meditation
- How to meditate
- How to enhance your meditation practice with tools and product recommendations